Foods and drinks that were created entirely by accident

Sometimes, we can trace the origins of food back to a specific time and place or even to a particular person. The sandwich is a classic example. It was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl de Sandwich, who started placing meat between bread pieces to save Time while playing cards. Or Buffalo wings were created by Teressa Bellissimo, an entrepreneur who transformed a previously disposable item into something truly delicious via Time. You can go on.
Sometimes it is impossible to determine the origin story of food. For hundreds of years, people have been eating noodles, seafood dishes and bread, soups, and many other foods, often for thousands of years.
We then have the third category, perhaps the most hilarious: foods whose origins can easily be traced and those that are completely accidental. Many of our favourite foods and drinks were not created out of necessity or convenience or to meet any demand. They were simply the result of dumb luck. It is delicious luck, however.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
According to CS Monitor, the cookie that is arguably the most loved on the planet today was accidentally created. Ruth Wakefield was a co-owner of Wakefield’s Toll House Inn in Massachusetts. She was going to bake cookies that required easy melting baker’s chocolate, but she ran out of it. Instead, she decided to crumble up a regular chocolate bar hoping that the pieces would melt evenly into her cookie batter. They didn’t, much to the delight of Wakefield’s guests and the rest of the world.
Corn Flakes
Corn flakes are a strange creation. They don’t look or sound very appealing. This classic breakfast cereal can be even more delicious by adding milk and a little sugar. It’s a classic breakfast cereal that people have loved since the 1890s when Dr John Kellogg (brother) and Will Kellogg (sister) set out to create a healthy vegetarian meal by toasting wheatberries. They forgot how to cook the grains and ended up baking thin, crispy flakes. Via NY Daily News.
According to Food & Wine, the accidental “invention” of the popsicle can be traced back to a fateful evening in 1905. Frank Epperson, an 11-year-old boy, was making sweet soda powder and water. He got distracted and left his creation outside that cold night. The freezing temperatures followed made the sweet liquid turn to sweet ice, with a stirring stick sticking out. Epperson discovered the frozen sweet the following day and knew others would enjoy it. Epperson began making them intentionally, initially selling them as “Epsicles” but eventually moving to the “Popsicle” label.
Potato Chips
The most delicious and beloved snack in the world, if not the healthiest, was created out of spite. According to The Daily Meal, in 1853, a Moon’s Lake House chef near Saratoga Springs, NY, was furious that a customer had not liked his fried potatoes and sent them back. In a bizarre move, George Crum, a Moon’s Lake House, NY chef, cut the potatoes into thin strips and fried them to perfection to try to get the customer to accept his offer. He did, but it was a good thing. Potato chips are a huge hit.
Coca Cola
John Pemberton was not aiming to create the Coca-Cola drink. Writes NY Daily News. His goal was to create a medical remedy to treat all ailments, including headaches and digestive problems. Pemberton originally made a tonic that contained alcohol, but he changed to the sweeter, nonalcoholic beverage we now know. Coca-Cola soon reached America and the rest of the world.
Do you know that toast is the bread that has been cooked again? The chimichanga is a burrito that has been cooked again. In this case, it’s deep-frying. It’s so bizarre that it was accidental. According to the story, Monica Flin, a chef at El Charro Cafe, Tucson, NM, dropped a burrito in a pot of hot oil. She decided to try the fried burrito instead of throwing it away. It was incredible.
The monks who made Champagne wine tried to extract bubbles from their white wines for many years. Fizzy wine was not what they intended, and it caused weak glass bottles to burst. The development of stronger glass led to safer wines that could age and carbonate more. Soon the brothers, led by Dom Pierre Perignon, embraced sparkling wine as a symbol of celebration. Reports Vine Pair.